Als Züchter kommt man manchmal in eine Situation an der man vernünftig; nicht das Herz sondern den Kopf entscheiden lassen muss.
Wir haben eine wundervolle, top sozialisierte Chesapeake Bay Retriever Hündin welche bei passenden Umständen in ein neues zu Hause ziehen darf.
Bei ernsthaftem!! Interesse darf man sich sehr gerne bei uns melden. ( telefonisch! )
We are over the moon!!!
After months of waiting for Dorita's heat we can finally confirm that Dorita is expecting puppies sired by Double Coats Christmas Joy!
Many thanks to everyone for helping to make this possible!
Now we have to keep our fingers crossed!
Snapshot Vivienne, 20 months old
World Dog Show Zagreb
Since Dorita isn’t coming into heat, we traveled to Zagreb with all our dogs and spent unforgettable days with great people and dogs.
We started on Friday at the WDS and after last year's great success at the WDS in Geneva, we were a little less lucky this year. Starting with a bitch in season in the car, ( Chanel ), our boys definitely had other ideas about our trip. In addition, the huge hustle and bustle in the narrow, crowded halls gave my two youngest a hard time and they were not full of self-confidence. But as young as they are, they still have plenty of time to mature and to learn, they are great! Day by day our results got better and better!
The WDS was judged by Sigrid Jamer from Austria.
Specialty Show was judged by Lena Hägglund from Sweden and Club Show by Kirsi Nieminen from Finland.
CIE BISS WW`23 EUW`23 CH Sailorsbay Federica
WDS: Excellent 2, res. CAC Championclass
Speciality: Excellent 1, CAC Championclass, Best Female, Speciality Winner
Club Show: Excellent 2, res. CAC
BPISS JWW23 BBs Chesapeake Breeding Simply the Best
WDS: Excellent 3
Speciality: Excellent 2, res.Junior CAC, 3rd BEST COUPLE IN SHOW mit Hulk
Club Show: Excellent 1, Junior CAC, Best Junior Female, 3rd BEST COUPLE IN SHOW mit Hulk
World Hope`23 CinnamonScent Masterpiece BBS
WDS: Very Good Juniorclass
Speciality: Excellent 1, Junior CAC, Best Junior Male, Junior Specialiy Winner
Club Show: Excellent 1, Junior CAC, Junior Best of Breed
CIE WW23 LUXCH RBISS CH Chesapeakeheart Hulk
WDS: not showed
Speciality: Excellent 1, CAC, Best Male, Best Opposite Sex, Speciality Winner, 3rd BEST COUPLE IN SHOW mit Vivi
Club Show: Excellent 1, CAC, Best Male, Best Opposite Sex, Club Winner, 3rd BEST COUPLE IN SHOW mit Vivi
Many thanks to all the judges for their kind words about our dogs and to all the organizers and helpers for an unforgettable event like this.
Congratulations to all the other participants and winners!
We look forward to all future adventures with our dogs and hope to see Dorita's children grow up and thrive soon!
Happy, satisfied and with great results back from Dortmund.
On Saturday at the VDH - European Winner Show Babis was the big winner, became Best of Breed in the Junior Class and can now call himself VDH - European Junior Winner 24‘.
Under the judge Béatrice Michaud
On Sunday at the VDH - Spring Winner Show Federica became Best of Breed, Spring Winner 24‘ under judge Vanessa Malkmus and Babis Best Opposite Sex and Best Junior of Breed, Spring Junior Winner 24!
Congratulations to all the other winners!
19/20.05.024 / Dog Show Project Fehraltdorf
Some impressions from the weekend!
We went home today very happy and satisfied with these two new titles.
Dog Show Project Junior Winner 2024
Dog Show Project Winner 2024!
14.01.2024 International Dog Show Como Italy
Best Junior in Breed, JCACIB & Best of Breed
CACIB, Best Oposite Sex
Judge: Baria Maurizio
JWW23 BBs Chesapeake Breeding Simply the Best
Junior Class Winner at International Dog Show Como ( IT )
Judge: Baria Maurizio
!!! Happy News from Netherlands !!!
BBs Chesapeake Breeding Stayin Alive “Oski”
ED: 0/0
PRA Clear
EIC Clear
DM Clear
Eyes Clear
Longcoat L/L
Oski is out of the combination CIE WW23 CH Chesapeakeheart Hulk x CH Sailorsbay Dorita.
Litter brother to my Vivienne; JWW23 BBs Chesapeake Breeding Simply the Best!
Thankful and proud!!
Owner: Petra de Vent & Chiel
Schneemomente Januar 2024
.....mit diesen tollen Ergebnissen haben wir das Jahr 2024 gestartet!